AWS Chatbot Reviews, Pros & Cons Companies using AWS Chatbot

To check the availability of preset dashboards for each AWS service, see the list below. You can’t make changes on a preset dashboard directly, but you can clone and edit it. To clone a dashboard, open the browse menu (…) and select Clone. Scroll down to the Services section and select Manage services.

I am trying to send slack notifications using aws chatbot created using cdk. In production, there are many lambda functions which have cloudwatch alarm for particular 5xx errors or 4xx errors. AWS Chatbot is a chatbot software that enables you to create and deploy chatbots on your website or mobile app.

Enable monitoring

It’s hard to find anything you’re looking for, and when you do finally find something it’s often not what you were hoping for. Overall, I would not recommend this software to anyone. Slack is easier to deploy, but if you want to use other tools such as Microsoft Teams, it is necessary to prepare Webhook or coding in python on Lambda for sending notifications on them. If you change a threshold in order not to ring the alarm, then you will receive a recovery notification like the one below.

I am trying to configure AWS Chatbot to receive messages from SNS My chatbot is configured correctly with slack and when I publish a test message I receive it in my slack … This integration could’ve been a lot harder to configure/find but as with a lot of AWS, Lex is well integrated into a lot of their other services such as Lambda and Connect. AWS Chatbot is a handy addition on your UC toolkit if you is an AWS power user. You can even maintain event logs for CloudWatch, streamlining your It and development activity roadmap. The only issue with AWS Chatbot could be its limited compatibility.

On which devices does AWS Chatbot work?

At that time, it could extract notifications from AWS Health, Budgets, Security Hub, and a handful of other services. This list has expanded significantly since then – as you’ll see in this review. In the current DevOps world, teams rely on communication channels like chat rooms to interact with team members and the system they operate.

Chatbot Market 2023 Global Size, Share, Growth & SWOT Analysis of Key Players – IBM (US), Microsoft (US), Goog – openPR

Chatbot Market 2023 Global Size, Share, Growth & SWOT Analysis of Key Players – IBM (US), Microsoft (US), Goog.

Posted: Tue, 28 Feb 2023 06:08:00 GMT [source]

The aws chatbotRetentionRetryOptions property allows you to customize the maximum number of retries and base backoff duration. Word Recognition with Voice – Despite Alexa being quite good at recognising words, Lex seemed to struggle with things like airport names. It’s easy to understand why, as these are not actual words, they’re proper nouns e.g.

Specify Metric and Conditions

In the metrics section, choose whatever metrics you need, then click on the Choose metrics. It is necessary to choose a topic which is specified in AWS SNS. In this case, we will make a test notification on Slack, and we named it as «my-alarm-test». Afterwards, you need to find configured clients and then click on Configure new clients.


Lambda-invoke command permissions – Allows Lambda-invoke commands in supported clients. Read-only command permissions – Allows read-only commands in supported clients. Keep all the setting as default, select threshold as 10 i.e when CPU utilization goes more than 10% it will trigger an alarm.


It’s even more rare that the chatbot would see you want to book a “single” journey and mistake that for a return. So how does a chatbot work from a developer perspective? A chatbot is made up of intents, which represent a user’s intentional interactions with the chatbot i.e. why is this user talking to me? So for example, in the image below, we see that the user has said a sentence which tells “Travel Bot” that it should be using the “BookATrip” intent. By using this intent, it knows the next step is to use an AWS lambda function and then issue a confirmation. Once confirmed, it can proceed to ask you further about the trip you’d like to book e.g. “Are you booking a single or return journey?

What NUHS’ digital front door can tell us about the future of … – GovInsider

What NUHS’ digital front door can tell us about the future of ….

Posted: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 02:56:20 GMT [source]

The AWS global infrastructure is built around AWS Regions and Availability Zones. AWS Regions provide multiple physically separated and isolated Availability Zones, which are connected with low-latency, high-throughput, and highly redundant networking. With Availability Zones, you can design and operate applications and databases that automatically fail over between Availability Zones without interruption.

AWS Chatbot: Bring AWS into your Slack channel

After logging in to the AWS console, choose SNS service, select the Topic section on the sidebar, and click on to Create Topic. This blog discusses how to send Cloudwatch alarm notifications to Slack. To add a metric, select the service for which you want to add metrics. When you think about benchmarking and monitoring application performance and throughput time. Before I waste to much time on this I was wondering is it technically possible to send from a Lambda a custom event to Event Bridge to SNS to Chatbot to Slack.

  • Availability Zones are more highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable than traditional single or multiple data center infrastructures.
  • Firstly, the travel industry in Asia is big and growing.
  • Chatbots are changing how companies interface with their customers.
  • Scroll down to the Services section and select Manage services.
  • However, let’s say you want to delete a slot for whatever reason – you MUST delete every version of every intent that uses that slot.
  • If you’re looking for a chatbot software that integrates well with other AWS products, then AWS Chatbot is a great option.